COVID-19 Policy and Safeguards
For those planning to gather for worship on Sunday, please note that we have put in place the following safeguards to maintain a safe and clean environment in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic.
For in-person worship, we ask everyone attending our gatherings to wear a mask. Children under 13 are not required to wear a mask. The Health Service Executive (HSE) recommends that all persons wear a facial covering or mask which covers the face and nose at all times in places of worship. See here for more details. In requiring everyone to wear a mask, we are guided by the biblical principles of protecting the vulnerable and loving our neighbors. With humility, we want to consider others more important than ourselves. (Philippians 2:3)
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the HSE directive, we are also asking everyone entering the church building during the week to wear a mask.
In accordance with the government guidelines, we are limiting occupancy of the church building in order to maintain safe distancing between individuals or households.
Registration for services: Those wishing to attend worship gatherings will need to register prior to attending.
We will gladly and safely accommodate visitors at every gathering, including providing masks for those who come without one.
Those who attend worship are encouraged to maintain safe distances from others and to refrain from handshaking or hugging while greeting one another.
We will help individuals and families find seating each Sunday morning that will ensure spatial distancing from others. Households will be seated together.
There are hand sanitizer stations throughout the church building.
Offering plates are not passed during the worship gatehrings. Plates will be available at the exits for collecting tithes and offerings.
Before coming to church services on Sunday or to the church buildings during the week, please keep in mind the following:
Those who are sick or feeling unwell should stay at home.
If you or anyone in your household has been in close contact with a person who has tested positive for Covid-19, please remain at home and follow the HSE recommendations for self-isolation.
Cover your cough or sneeze with tissues or with the crook of your elbow.
Please maintain good hand sanitation by washing your hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or often using hand sanitizer.
Recommendations for older adults and those with underlying medical conditions can be found here.
Everyone is encouraged to consult your doctor or medical professional with any questions or concerns related to your health.